Welcome to City of Lafayette, Minnesota City of Lafayette, Minnesota… A Great Place to Live!
The city of Lafayette is a great small rural community; whether across the street or across town, everyone is considered a neighbor!
Upcoming dates to note:
The City Clerk's office will be closed from noon on Tuesday, March 18 through Friday, March 21, payments can be dropped off in the drop box. Emergencies - contact Allan Fox at 507-276-1707
The next 125th (Quasquicentennial) Celebration meeting will be on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 6pm in the city office. Join us and find out what is planned and how you can help!
Fire Relief will hold its annual ham dinner on Sunday, March 30th in the Fire hall!
Congratulations on the Fire & Ambulance jumpers for another great fundraising for the 2025 MN Special Olympics Polar Plunge!
Thank you to the community for the huge support of the Park & Rec for their fundraiser Meat Bingo with the proceeds going to the fence project at Lund park! It was a great time & a huge turnout!
Thank you to our our very supportive community for the wonderful turnout at Dave's Place for the Annual Ambulance Steak Fry on Saturday. All donations and tips will help the ambulance upgrade equipment!
Paver orders are ongoing. Forms at the city office or bank or it can be found in the Community Tab - Legion Post #300 page.
" The City of Lafayette is an equal opportunity provider"
Featured News
Switch to the new Utility Billing company
Attention Lafayette MN Residents:
Our switch to gWorks from UBMax has been pushed back to July 14, 2025.
This will affect the ACH paying accounts. Your ACH payments will continue to draft out of your account on the 20th each month. Watch Facebook and your billing acket for updates.
Thank you...
Utility Billing
Our switch to the new utility billing company has been moved back to April 7, 2025. Everything should stay the same until then.
Quarterly Contracted Cleaning for the Community Center
Quarterly Contracted Cleaning:
City of Lafayette seeking bids for a contracted cleaning service to do quarterly cleaning of the community center in 2025. For further information contact the City Office at 791 Main Avenue, call 228-8241 or email lafcityclerk@gmail.com. Deadline is noon on...
Annual Truth in Taxation Hearings Set
Each year MN cities must approve the next year’s levy in September and submit it to the county. The preliminary levy and budget will always be higher as there are many projection figures that will not be available until later in the year.
The Lafayette City Council will conduct...
General Election Voting
Voting for the 2024 Election today and tomorrow.
Lafayette MN is a mail ballot precinct and has been since the 2020 election year. State Statute allows precincts with fewer than 400 registered voters to hold mail balloting.
If you have not voted yet. Take your ballot packet that was...
Nicollet County Public Input Wanted
Nicollet County is seeking Public Input as they update their Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The full notice is posted in the Lafayette City office and under the Government tab - Nicollet County Link
They are looking for input from Nicollet County residents, community leaders, business owners, area...
Lafayette Lion's Kiddie Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The playground updates have been completed and the Lafayette Lions will be holding a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Kiddie Park in Lund Park, by the ball fields.
The event will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00pm and it is open to the public. This will take place prior to the...
Cancelled - Armstrong Boulevard Brass Quintet to Perform In Lafayette Wednesday, September 4, 2024
UPDATE!!! The Armstrong Boulevard Brass Quintet had to cancel its performance, due to a medical event. The Dave's Place of Lafayette's 2024 Bike and Car finale night will still be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2024!
This free concert was to be shared with us due to a grant from the Carl...
City of Lafayette's Annual Appliance & Electronics Collection
City of Lafayette's Annual Appliance & Electronics Collection is Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 8 am until 11 am.
The collections available through the coordination with the City, TriCounty Solid Waste and Green Tech Recycling.
It will take place in the small shop next to the city office -...
The 2024 Friday Night Socials & Lafayette Band Concerts Start this week!
The Friday Night Socials and Band concerts start this week!
All socials will serve a meal except June 7th will only be floats and sundaes.
May 31st - Lafayette Garden Club will host the first Friday Night Social of the year! Proceeds to help with future city beautification!
June 7th ...
Miss Lafayette 2024
Hurry...less than one month to become a 2024 Miss Lafayette candidate!
Criteria - Ages 14-20 and Living in Nicollet or Sibley County - complete the registration and mail along with your sponsor check of $150 to Lafayette Park & Recreation PO Box 258, Lafayette MN 56054 for complete...
Lafayette Food Truck Mondays
Join us for the 2024 Food Truck Mondays beginning on May 20, 2024!
Attached is the schedule for the season. Any changes will be posted on the city Facebook page
Tri-County 2024 Collection Dates
The 2024 Collection Dates are set!
Household Hazardous Waste - Free to residents in Le Sueur, Sibley & Nicollet Counties
Thursday, April 11 - City of Arlington 10am-3pm, Sibley County hwy shop
Saturday, April 20 - City of St. Peter 9am to 1pm, City of St, Peter WWTP
Thursday, May 9 - City...
Notice of Lead Service Line Inventory
The City of Lafayette is pleased to announce it has received grant money from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to conduct a lead service line inventory, now required of all city water systems. A service line is the pipe connecting the water main to the...
Lafayette MN 125th Celebration Meeting
All Lafayette area residents!
Join the talks for planning Lafayette's 125th Celebration Wednesday, July 23 through Sunday, July 27, 2025.
Next meeting:
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
City office meeting room, 791 Main Avenue, Lafayette 56054
Hope to see you there!
Due to the impending storm with snow and high winds, there will be NO parking on city streets.
Posted 1-12-2024
POSTPONED - Lafayette Area Lions Annual Dads Belgian Waffle Fundraiser
This event is POSTPONED until Sunday, January 28th
Brave the cold on Sunday ( January 14, 2024) and join our community in a fundraiser for Bob Peterson. He is the husband of Mayor Sandie Peterson and was diagnosed with cancer and going through Chemo treatments.
There will be a Dad's Belgian...
Lafayette Area Ambulance needs your help! Become and EMT for FREE in less than 5 months!
EMT Training Scholarship Program
100% Tuition paid by Allina Health Foundation
See posters for full details on how to register.
Hurry Registration Dealine is Friday January 12, 2024
Nicollet County Temporary Election Workers Needed
Nicollet County is seeking Temporary Election Workers to assist in the upcoming 2024 election cycle. In this position, you will be assisting staff and members of the public with nonpartisan administration of the Presidential Primary, State Primary, and the State General Election in Nicollet County....
Lafayette Memorial Park Dedication ceremony
The Lafayette Legion Post #300, City of Lafayette and Lafayette Band would like to invite you and your family to share in a special dedication ceremony of the "Lafayette Memorial Park", sponsored by the Lafayette Legion #300.
The ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 4:00PM in...
Volunteers needed for the Paver Project!!
Looking for volunteers for tomorrow morning -
Tuesday, August 8, from 8 am until noon!
If you are able to help, please show up at the newly renamed Lafayette Memorial Park!
Last fall, the Legion took orders and 150 memorial pavers were purchased. This is the first installation of the pavers....
Schedule Back to School Immunizations Now
For Immediate Release
July 24, 2023
Contact: Bree Allen Breanna.allen@co.nicollet.mn.us
Cassandra Sassenberg Cassandra.sassenberg@co.nicollet.mn.us
Schedule Back to School Immunizations Now
With the start of school just around the corner, Mankato Clinic, Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato,
Celebrate Lafayette this summer!
There are many things happening in Lafayette this summer. Stop out and join the fun in our small community!
Monday's in July, food trucks are visiting us from 4 to 7 in Lund park. The Friday night socials continue, followed by the Lafayette Band performances - did you know this is their 120th year...
May is National Military Appreciation Month
Remember - Honor - Support
May 26 - National Poppy Day
The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War 1 to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our...
2022-2023 MN Energy Assistance New Applications Closing 5/31/2023
MVAC would like to take a moment to remind you that the last day for persons to apply for Energy Assistance for the current program year is May 31, 2023. The Minnesota Department of Commerce has informed Service Providers that there are sufficient funds available to assist all those who apply...
Lafayette MN Food Truck Mondays
Why cook this summer when you have these great opportunities and do not have to??
Monday, May 8th will be the first, of hopefully many, Food Truck Mondays this summer! River City Eatery will be in Lund park from 4 to 7pm serving up a delicious selection of food from their "crowd pleasing" menu...
Volunteers Needed for Bandstand Updates 4/23/2023
The weather looks like it will cooperate this week!
We are looking for Volunteers to help with the bandstand project on Sunday, April 23 at 1:30pm. The work will be attaching wood strips to the outside in preparation of steel siding which will be done at the next volunteer session. Bring your...
Celebrate Earth Day! Saturday, April 22, 2023
This Saturday is Earth Day!
Learn more about garbage and recycling by watching the videos on the city website, under the "Residents" tab, go to Departments and then Sanitation and Recycling. There is a wealth of information in these videos.
To learn more about Earth Day go to earthday.org
Xcel Energy Bill Assistance Reminder
Deadline approaching for energy bill assistance programs
Xcel Energy wants to remind customers that payment assistance programs are available that may be able to help with your energy bills, and the deadline to apply is coming soon. Thousands of families and households have benefitted from home...
Postponed due to weather. Volunteer Alert!
Postponed due to weather.
We are looking for Volunteers to help with the bandstand project on Sunday, April 16 at 1:30pm. The work will be attaching wood strips to the outside in preparation of steel siding which will be done at the next volunteer session. Bring your tools. There will be need for...
Legion Post #300 - Paver Project
The Legion's Paver Committee has received a draft of all the paver orders received to date. There was an email sent to all April 5, as they are trying to reach all who placed a paver order to verify that the spelling and information is correct. Check your email, or stop at Citizens Bank, Lafayette...
Weather Related News
To assist our city staff and our contracted snow removal company, if you live on a 'No Parking' area move your vehicles off the street. All other areas if you do not have off street parking, once the streets have begun to be cleaned, move your vehicle to a plowed side of the street. With the...
125 year celebration meeting
Mayor Peterson has asked all residents and businesses in and around the Lafayette area to attend the first meeting to begin the planning of the 125-year celebration of Lafayette. The meeting will be held at the Community Center at 7pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2025A 125 year celebration is a...
City of Lafayette Social Media Public Notice
City of Lafayette
Social Media Public Notice
The purpose of the City of Lafayette' s social media presence is to provide members of the community with information in more places and more ways than were traditionally available. All content of this site is public and is subject to disclosure...