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Annual Truth in Taxation Hearings Set



Each year MN cities must approve the next year’s levy in September and submit it to the county. The preliminary levy and budget will always be higher as there are many projection figures that will not be available until later in the year.

The Lafayette City Council will conduct the first Truth in Taxation Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. in the Lafayette Council Chambers at 791 Main Avenue.   The purpose of this hearing is to allow public input concerning the City’s budget and financing for the 2025 budget year.  Following the public hearing the council will hold a budget workshop.  

The Lafayette City Council will conduct the second Truth in Taxation Public Hearing on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. in the Lafayette Council Chambers at 791 Main Avenue.  The purpose of this hearing is to allow public input concerning the City’s budget and financing for the 2025 budget year.   The Lafayette City Council intends to adopt the 2025 property tax levy and approve the 2025 budget at the regularly scheduled council meeting directly following the hearing.


Sandy Burger

City of Lafayette Clerk/Treasurer


Publish 11/21/2024