Recent News
The City of Lafayette staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Nicollet County Temporary Election Workers Needed
Nicollet County is seeking Temporary Election Workers to assist in the upcoming 2024 election cycle. In this position, you will be assisting staff and members of the public with nonpartisan administration of the Presidential Primary, State Primary, and the State General Election in Nicollet County. For more information and to apply, click the link or visit our website at
Lafayette Memorial Park Dedication ceremony
The Lafayette Legion Post #300, City of Lafayette and Lafayette Band would like to invite you and your family to share in a special dedication ceremony of the "Lafayette Memorial Park", sponsored by the Lafayette Legion #300.
Schedule Back to School Immunizations Now
For Immediate Release
July 24, 2023
Contact: Bree Allen
Celebrate Lafayette this summer!
There are many things happening in Lafayette this summer. Stop out and join the fun in our small community!
2022-2023 MN Energy Assistance New Applications Closing 5/31/2023
MVAC would like to take a moment to remind you that the last day for persons to apply for Energy Assistance for the current program year is May 31, 2023. The Minnesota Department of Commerce has informed Service Providers that there are sufficient funds available to assist all those who apply and are determined eligible for benefits. Please note that MVAC can assist EAP eligible households with help with their past due or disconnected water bills until August 31, 2023.
Lafayette MN Food Truck Mondays
Why cook this summer when you have these great opportunities and do not have to??
Volunteers Needed for Bandstand Updates 4/23/2023
The weather looks like it will cooperate this week!
Xcel Energy Bill Assistance Reminder
Deadline approaching for energy bill assistance programs
Legion Post #300 - Paver Project
The Legion's Paver Committee has received a draft of all the paver orders received to date. There was an email sent to all April 5, as they are trying to reach all who placed a paver order to verify that the spelling and information is correct. Check your email, or stop at Citizens Bank, Lafayette Clerk's office or Fillmeup C-Store, there will be copies of the paver drafts available to review and update, if needed.
Weather Related News
To assist our city staff and our contracted snow removal company, if you live on a 'No Parking' area move your vehicles off the street. All other areas if you do not have off street parking, once the streets have begun to be cleaned, move your vehicle to a plowed side of the street. With the impact of the storm's potentially high amount of snow and drifting, please have patience. If you have a fire hydrant on your block, help to keep it free of snow.
125 year celebration meeting
Mayor Peterson has asked all residents and businesses in and around the Lafayette area to attend the first meeting to begin the planning of the 125-year celebration of Lafayette. The meeting will be held at the Community Center at 7pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2025A 125 year celebration is a quasuicentennial.